Matcha Wissen kompakt: Alles was du über Matcha wissen musst auf einen Blick

Compact matcha knowledge: everything you need to know about matcha at a glance

Where does matcha come from, what is in the green powder and how is it prepared? In this article, you will find out everything you need to know about matcha.
Grüner Tee: Die Wunderwaffe zum Abnehmen?

Green tea: the miracle weapon for losing weight?

Green tea is often associated with a healthy lifestyle and at least as often with losing weight. But is this justified? Let's take a closer look.
Genmaicha - Was hat es mit dem "Popcorn-Tee" auf sich?

Genmaicha - What is this "popcorn tea" all about?

A very special green tea has finally found its way to us from Japan: Genmaicha. Here you can find out all about this "rice tea" and its unique aroma.

Meaning of the organic seal - the most important facts in brief

Our teas are all certified organic according to DE-ÖKO-006 and JAS organic (Japan). But what exactly does this mean and which regulations must be observed? Today we want to explain to you in more d...
Matcha Tee – Inhaltsstoffe

Matcha tea - ingredients

Find out here why matcha tea is so healthy - Exactly which ingredients are present in matcha powder - What effect the green tea has
Matcha Tee in matcha Schale mit Besen, Drum herum Matcha Pulver

8 facts about matcha tea

Find out everything you need to know about matcha tea - Where it comes from - How it is prepared - What effect it has - What you should look out for when buying it
Grüntee Plantage mit blauem Himmel

The best tea-growing regions in Japan - origin of the finest Matcha teas

Learn more about the origin of the best Matcha teas - Which growing regions are differentiated - What influence does the origin have on the quality?
Matcha tee cremig gerührt mit Besen darin

Everything you need to know about matcha tea - an introduction

Find out more about Matcha tea - All the important information about the green wonder powder from Japan - An introduction for you.